I've been a vegetarian for 5 years now, and whilst I'm proud of my determination in committing to the vegetarian lifestyle.. I miss marshmallows immensely. SO! I went on the hunt for a reputable seller of vegetarian marshmallows. I've tried numerous times to make them myself, but it's failed so dismally I thought that buying them from some one who's skilled in the vegetarian sweets would be a faster and more tastier option. I came across this cute online store called ' Marshmallow Deli'. She doesn't only do your traditional vanilla flavour, but a vast array of flavours such as: Butterscotch, caramel , coconut & cookies and cream. I played it safe and purchased the vanilla mallows, but upon opening my package from the deli I noticed they'd popped in a little freebie that was Mint chic chip. What a winner, right?
I wasn't at all disappointed with these goodies, even though I haven't tasted a marshmallow in a while, these definitely taste as close to a non-veggie mallow would do. 5 stars for these. The best part about them is their chunkiness, I put mine in the fridge so they were thicker , literally melting in my mouth.
So, to all veggies that are craving sweets and going crazy mad, go buy some of these! They're amazing. I think my next venture will be the coconut!
Oh my gosh they look so tasty and squidgy! Cool Valentines gift idea (: xx